BioResource Management presents at regional biomass energy workshop

BioResource Management presented a discussion of financing biomass projects at the conference “Building a Biobased Industry—A Workshop on Biomass-Related Incentives,” held July 12, 2005 at the Marriott Cincinnati Airport Hotel, Hebron, Kentucky. Co-sponsors for the workshop include the U.S. Department of Energy, Southern States Energy Board (SSEB), the Southern States Biobased Alliance, the DOE/SSEB Biomass State and Regional Partnership, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and the Southern Alliance for the Utilization of Biomass Resources.

About BioResource Management, Inc.

BioResource Management, Inc. (BRM) is a forestry, agriculture, and biomass consulting firm. Our staff of certified foresters, environmental scientists, and marketing professionals offer more than 30 years of combined experience in renewable energy, forestry, biomass, and organics recycling. Since 2005, we have provided biomass and bioenergy consulting services to hundreds of clients from universities, state and local governments, renewable technology firms, and Fortune 500 companies. We have a national and international focus with corporate locations and professional staff in Gainesville, FL and Allentown, PA. Contact us today!